Research and Results

Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Evaluation of the Capable Kids and Families® Program
The Community Partnership (TCP) contracted with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago to evaluate the CKF program starting in the fall of 2011 and concluding June 30, 2013. The goals of the evaluation were to examine parent/guardian outcomes for families participating in the CKF program as compared to a group of similar families who do not receive services from CKF.
The researchers’ findings:
CKF families scored significantly higher on knowing their rights and advocating for their child than comparison families
CKF families scored significantly higher on the item “I am able to talk with other families who have a child with similar needs.”
CKF families rated their relationship with their CKF specialist significantly higher on 19 of 20 items than did comparison families
Comparison families scored significantly lower on their ability to help their child learn and develop—scores decreased from Time 1 to Time 3 while CKF scores remained stable
A second study is underway that seeks to examine the relationship between the services a young child with developmental delays and disabilities receives and their developmental outcomes. Chapin Hall will analyze the results of the investigation.
CKF Participant Survey Results
98% of respondents believe the services provided by the CKF program help them accomplish their goals and priorities for their children
95% of respondents report they have seen improvement in their child since using CKF equipment.
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